繞月衛星 circumlunar satellite
嫦娥1號 Chang'e-1 lunar probe; Chang'e-1 lunar satellite
月球探測衛星 lunar probe; lunar exploration satellite; lunar orbiter
發射臺 launch pad
發射窗口 launch window
燃料加注 fuel adding
長征三號甲運載火箭 Long March 3A launch vehicle; LM-3A launch vehicle
發射區 launch site
地月轉移軌道 Earth-moon transfer orbit
現場觀摩發射 watch the launch at the site
月球探測工程 moon exploration project; moon probe project
液氧 liquid oxygen
液氫 liquid hydrogen
點火 ignition
發射前的最后檢查和測試 pre-launch tests
中國國家航天局 China National Space Administration (CNSA)
衛星同發射裝置分離進入指定軌道:The satellite separated from the launch vehicle and entered the projected orbit; The satellite was released from the launcher upper stage and entered the projected orbit
收集月球表面數據 collect lunar surface data
拍攝和傳送地球照片 capture and relay pictures of Earth
發射升空 liftoff; blastoff; take off
偏離軌道 veer off course; deviate from course
月球表面化學元素和礦物質分布 distribution of chemical elements and minerals on lunar surface
地形和地表結構 topographical and surface structures
月球的重力場和環境 gravity field and environment of the moon
主力火箭 main rockets
極軌道 polar orbit
立體攝像機 stereo camera
繪制月球表面的三維圖像 map three-dimensional images of the lunar surface
觀測裝置 observation instruments
探測器的工作壽命 Chang'e-1 will remain in position for about one year. Chang'e-1 will orbit the moon for one year until it runs out of fuel.
月食 lunar eclipse
有效載荷 payload
變軌 orbital transfer
干涉成像光譜儀 interference imaging spectrometer
激光高度計 laser altimeter
微波探測儀 microwave sounder
空間環境探測系統 space environment detector system
工程總指揮 chief commander of China's lunar orbiter project
工程總設計師 chief designer of China's lunar orbiter project
首席科學家 chief scientist of China's lunar orbiter project
中國航天科技集團公司 China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation (CASC)
中國運載火箭技術研究院研制長征三號甲火箭 LM-3A launch vehicle developed by China Academy of Launch Vehicle Technology (CALT)
北京航天飛行控制中心 Beijing Aerospace Control Center (BACC)
中國空間技術研究院 China Academy of Space Technology (CAST)
國防科學技術工業委員會 Commission of Science, Technology and Industry for National Defense (COSTIND)
繞月Circling the moon
登月Landing on the moon
返回地球 Return to Earth
載人飛船 manned spaceship/ spacecraft
載人航天 manned space flight
載人航天計劃 manned space program
航天飛機 space shuttle
無人飛船 unmanned spaceship / spacecraft
試驗太空船 Experimental Spacecraft
神舟號 Shenzhou (Divine Vessel)
多級火箭 multistage rocket
太空艙 capsule
返回式衛星 recoverable satellite
通信衛星 communication satellite
遙感衛星 remote sensing satellite
長征二號F運載火箭 Long March II F carrier rocket
有效載荷能力 payload capability
近地軌道 low Earth orbit
氣象衛星 weather satellite; meteorological satellite
太陽同步軌道衛星 satellite in Sun-synchronous orbit
同步軌道衛星 geosynchronous satellite
軌道艙 orbital module
返回艙 re-entry module
推進艙 propelling module
指令艙 command module
服務艙 service module
登月艙 lunar module
緊急供氧裝置 emergency oxygen apparatus
空間物理探測 space physics exploration
國際空間站 International Space Station
太陽能電池板 solar panel
太空升降艙 space elevator
哈勃太空望遠鏡 Hubble Space Telescope
月球車 lunar rover
外太空 outer space; deep space
銀河系 Milky Way
阿波羅號宇宙飛船 Apollo
美國航空航天管理局 NASA(The National Aeronautics and Space Administration)