Taiwan's pop star Xu Xiyuan,big "S" Still on a budget? Try these cheap fashion tips:
1. Keep your store receipts and product tags for at least two months. You never know when you might want to return something because your tastes have changed, you have found a defect in the garment or the color is all wrong. Most chain stores have a very forgiving return policy. Of course, if you have worn it ... don't be a chiseler, it's yours.
2. Take a strapless dress or tunic and wear it over a turtle neck for winter or over a tee shirt or thin blouse in warm weather. You get two looks for the price of one, and when traveling, packing these items can double your wardrobe.
3. Wearing mule style shoes this summer? Try a spritz of hair spray on the inner sole so your feet don't slip.
4. Are your shoes scuffed? Dab the spot with a small dollop of Vaseline and blend into the entire shoe for instant shine. Or, polish the shoes with a little hand cream poured onto a paper towel.
5. For dry cuticles, use either Vaseline or A&D ointment. On top of this slather your hands with your favorite hand lotion. Your hands and nails will stay moisturized for hours.
6. Another nail tip: For drying wet nail polish quickly, dip hands into ice cold water or spray nails with cooking oils
7. Stop paying top dollar for makeup removal pads . Try generic brands of baby wipes to remove makeup.
8. If you are a thin, petite-sized woman, don't overlook the children's department for casual clothing such as shorts, capris, cargo pants, denim jackets and T-shirts.
9. This is the season of fake tans . Try using hair removal creams to remove any self-tanner streaks on the sides of your feet, palms, elbow and knees. Rub it on, then immediately wipe it off with a washcloth or tissue.
1、 將購物小票和商品標牌保存至少兩個月。你不知道自己什么時候會因為口味改變、發現衣服上有瑕疵或顏色不對,而想把東西給退了。大多數連鎖店在退貨方面還是很“仁慈的”。當然,如果你穿過了,那就別去蒙人了,留著吧。
2、 冬天,將無肩帶連衣裙或罩衫穿在高領衫外面;暖和的天氣可以把它穿在T恤或薄短衫外面。這樣,一件衣服“兩穿”,旅游時帶上很實用。
3、 今年夏天愛上涼拖?可以在內鞋底上噴點發膠,這樣腳在里面就不會打滑了。
4、 鞋上有磨痕?可以在這些地方涂一小團凡士林,抹勻之后可以使鞋子立刻發亮。或者用紙巾蘸點護手霜把鞋擦亮。
5、 皮膚干燥?用凡士林或A&D藥膏。此外,把自己最愛用的護手霜厚厚的涂在手上。這樣,你的手和指甲會保濕好幾個小時。
6、 另一個護甲竅門:要想讓指甲油速干,可以把手放進冰水里,或者往指甲上噴炒菜油。
7、 不用昂貴的卸妝巾,可以用一般牌子的嬰兒用清潔巾來卸妝。
8、 如果你很嬌小,可以去兒童區看看短褲、緊身褲、休閑運動褲、帆布夾克及T恤等休閑裝。
9、 “假檀”是本季的流行風。可以用脫毛膏除去腳、手掌、胳膊肘和膝蓋上的“假曬色”。抹上之后,立刻用毛巾或濕巾擦試干凈。
turtle neck : 高領衫
removal pad : 卸妝巾
fake tan : “假檀”,即“假曬色”