阿甘,一個智商75的個體,其獨特生活體驗,讓世人明白了什么叫做真誠和執著。阿甘的人生真理Stupid Is As Stupid Does也近乎至理名言。阿甘這部影片帶給我們的除了心靈上的沖擊和震撼、如何做一個The Ideal Cttizen For The Modern World-A Perfect Idiont的思考,還有其精彩的劇本語言。我們在此僅做簡單剖析,以飧讀者。
Mrs.Gum p: Forrest, I told you not to bother this nice young man.
Elvis Presley: No, that's all right ma'am. I was just showing him a thing or two on the guitar here.
例如:Let me show you a thing or two on how to play the piano.
Jenny: Run, Forrest! Run!
Forrest: Now, it used to be, I ran to getswheresI was going. I never thought it would take me anywhere.
例如:Stop being this way, it won't take you anywhere, believe me!相信我,這樣是沒有用的。
Mary firmly believe in being on diet insgroupsto lose some weight, but I don't think it will take anywhere as long as she keeps sitting there hours all the time.
Boy friend: what the hell is going on here? Who is that?
Jenny: Billy, I'm sorry.
Billy: Get away from me.
Jenny: Don't go.
Billy, wait a second. He does not know any better. Forrest! Why you do that?