Security software maker, Panda Security, recently compiled a list of the most interesting viruses of the past six months. Among these are the creepiest, cleanest and most informative viruses.
The creepiest - MalwareProtector2008 and AdvancedXpFixer fill victim computers with bugs which then "eat" the desktop. The virus is in fact an attempt to get users to buy the security software offered by the maker of the virus.
The cleanest - Tixcet.A cleans hard disks, by deleting the user's files.
The kidnapper - PGPCoder.E is also called "ransomware". The virus encrypts data on the user's hard disk and then demands money for the key to decrypt the information.
The most romantic - The Nuwar.OL, Nuwar.QI and Valentin.E clan use romantic themes to trick users into activating them and then infect their computers.
The most informative - Despite its name, Romeo.C is actually informative. Besides fiddling with the Windows registry, Romeo.C also displays a list of breaking news while carrying out its malicious actions.
The impostors - Manclick.A, Manclick.B and Manclick.C pass themselves off as other programmes to make potential victims think they are installing a legitimate application instead of malware. They also redirect users to spoof bank Web pages, to collect confidential information which is then used for online fraud.
The most deceitful - The FakeDeath worm announces the death of Fidel Castro to trick users and infect their computers.
The prophet of the Apocalypse - When run, RenameLoi.A makes an annoying noise and displays a message about the Antichrist and Judgment Day.
The cool pig - When users run a file containing the MSNWorm.EI code, the worm displays a photo of a pig with makeup, necklaces and sunglasses.
The noisiest - BeepBeep.A emits a series of annoying noises when users access the Windows or System folder.