"人類工程學"這一術語源于希臘詞語 "ergon"和"nomoi",意即"工作"與"自然法則",以研究人與電腦、電子設備、鞋子等這類工具之間的物理關系而為大家所熟悉。換言之,人類工程學就是把有關人體的科學研究應用到人類所使用的物體、系統以及環境的設計上,以適應人類生活需求。這聽起來似乎沒有任何害處,但是人類工程學還是導致了諸多反復性應激損傷,比如:
反復性應激損傷多達一百多種,以上提及的不過才幾種而已, 各種不同的物品,甚至不同類型的眼淚都會對身體的不同部位產生影響。
Ergonomics is application of scientific information concerning humans to the design of objects, systems and environment for human use with accommodation in mind.
The term "ergonomics" is derived from two Greek words: "ergon", meaning work and "nomoi", meaning natural laws. Ergonomics is known as the physical relationship between people and their tools such as computers, other electronic devices, shoes etc. In other words, it is the application of scientific information concerning humans to the design of objects, systems and environment for human use with accommodation in mind. Although this subject may sound completely harmless, there are repetitive stress injuries result from ergonomics, such as
carpal tunnel syndrome
pronator teres syndrome
cubital tunnel syndrome
ulnar nerve compression at the wrist (guyon's)
radial tunnel syndrome
thoracic outlet syndrome
The above repetative stress injuries are only a a few of the 100 different types of RSI's, all different wares and tears effecting different parts of the body.
This is where the factor of ergonomics comes in, using scientific information concerning humans, we are capable to design tools, systems and an overall environment for humans which will accommodate our body and will prevent RSI's such as Carpal Tunnel.